How to Write ChatGPT Prompts to Get the Best Results?

chatgp promps

Unsure of how to create effective prompts for ChatGPT? Look no further. This guide will provide you with tools and tips to craft compelling content that will engage and challenge the AI language model.

The quality of the results you obtain from the tool is heavily influenced by the way you formulate prompts, thanks to advancements in AI-powered language models such as ChatGPT.

By simply providing a few keywords or phrases, you can direct ChatGPT to generate a wide range of content, including information, social media posts, product descriptions, and much more.

Irrespective of whether you are a digital marketer, blogger, or business owner, it is crucial to master the skill of crafting prompts. This ability is vital for effective content writing that effectively connects with your audience.

Crafting effective prompts can pose a challenge as the quality of the output relies heavily on the specificity and clarity of the instructions provided.

Discover below a collection of actionable tips and best practices to help you compose prompts that yield optimal results when utilizing ChatGPT.

What is a ChatGPT Prompt?

In the context of ChatGPT, a prompt refers to an instruction or discussion topic that a user provides to elicit a response from the ChatGPT AI model.

The prompt can take the form of a question, statement, or any other stimulus designed to ignite creativity, contemplation, or engagement.

Anyone can utilize the prompt to generate ideas, express their thoughts, or initiate a conversation.

The design of ChatGPT prompts promotes open-endedness and enables customization to align with the user’s individual preferences and interests.

How to Write Prompts for ChatGPT?

Begin by providing ChatGPT with a writing prompt like “Compose a short story centered around an individual who unexpectedly discovers they possess a superpower.”

Based on the prompt you provide, ChatGPT will generate a response accordingly.

The length of the response generated by ChatGPT can vary, ranging from a few sentences to several paragraphs, depending on the complexity of the prompt and the level of detail you specified.

Utilize the response generated by ChatGPT as a foundational point to begin your writing process.

You can expand on the concepts and ideas presented in the response by adding your own creative flair to the story.

To generate more ideas, consider posing follow-up questions to ChatGPT that are related to your initial prompt. This can help explore new angles and perspectives.

As an example, you can inquire, “What potential obstacles could arise for the individual as they navigate their recently discovered superpower?” or “In what ways could the person’s relationships with others be influenced by their extraordinary abilities?” These follow-up questions can provide further insights and depth to your story.

Keep in mind that ChatGPT’s responses are generated by artificial intelligence and may not always be flawless or precisely aligned with your expectations.

Nevertheless, they can serve as an excellent source of inspiration and assist you in getting started with your writing.

a. Must-Have Chrome Plugin

I suggest installing the WebChatGPT plugin, which enables you to include pertinent Google search results in your ChatGPT prompts.

By utilizing this extension, you can incorporate the initial web search results into your ChatGPT prompts, ensuring more precise and current conversations.

For instance, if I were to inquire, “Who is Vincent Terrasi?” ChatGPT may not have a direct response.

With WebChatGPT enabled through the Chrome plugin, a new prompt is generated, incorporating the initial Google search results. As a result, ChatGPT becomes aware of the information regarding Vincent Terrasi.

However, the hallucination persists as I have never been employed by Hilti. ChatGPT fabricated the existence of the company due to the lack of available data.

b. Master Reverse Prompt Engineering

ChatGPT can serve as an exceptional tool for reverse engineering prompts, as it has the ability to generate natural and authentic responses based on a given input.

Through careful analysis of the prompts generated by ChatGPT, one can potentially gain valuable insights into the model’s underlying thinking patterns and strategies for decision-making.

A significant advantage of employing ChatGPT for reverse engineering prompts is the high level of transparency exhibited by the model in its decision-making process.

As a result, it becomes feasible to trace the reasoning and logic behind each response, facilitating a deeper understanding of how the model reaches its conclusions.

After practicing this methodology with various types of content, you will gradually develop insights into crafting prompts that are more effective and yield better outcomes.

c. Prepare Your ChatGPT for Generating Prompts

First, activate the reverse prompt engineering.

1. Please input the following prompt: “Enable Reverse Prompt Engineering? Reverse Prompt Engineering refers to the process of crafting a prompt based on a given text.”

Great! ChatGPT is now prepared to generate your prompt. You can evaluate the generated prompt by testing it in a new chatbot session, specifically designed for product description evaluation.

2. Please enter the following prompt: “Create a reverse prompt engineering template with technical details for a product description about the iPhone 11.”

Here’s an example of a prompt that can be generated for selling a Kindle on Amazon using reverse prompt engineering. Type: “Generate a prompt for selling a Kindle on Amazon using reverse prompt engineering.”

3. Sure, here’s the rewritten prompt: “Please provide a product name or description that you would like ChatGPT to reverse prompt engineer. This will help capture the writing style and length of the text. For example: product = ‘AirPods Pro’.”

I have tested it on an SEJ blog post. Enjoy the analysis – it is of exceptional quality.

4. You can use the following prompt to reverse engineer the text:

“Generate a ChatGPT prompt based on the given text that captures its tone and writing style:”

text = all text coming from”

Please be cautious not to rely solely on ChatGPT for generating your texts. While it can be a helpful tool, it is not intended to replace human creativity and critical thinking in the writing process.

Are all the answers generated by ChatGPT truly unique, or might we be overestimating its capacity to produce distinct texts?

After scrutinizing 10,000 texts produced by ChatGPT, this captivating question emerged: Are all these texts genuinely unique, or is there a possibility that we might be overestimating its ability to generate distinct responses?


To sum up, the examination of the text quality generated by ChatGPT has yielded intriguing findings. While the algorithm may generate similar answers to different questions, concerns arise regarding the fulfillment of OpenAI’s promise.

Due to a lack of creativity and substantial content duplication, it seems that ChatGPT may not be the most effective tool for content generation purposes.

Nevertheless, the tool can still prove valuable in identifying the ideal prompt for generating high-quality text using other generators like LLAMA, OPT, BLOOM, GPT3.5, or Cohere.